Command "CopyDoc"


Copies an (XML-)document into another (XML-)document. The command belongs to the group "Document".


Parameter Name Description Type
CopySubEle Indicates whether to copy all subelements ('true' oder 'false') default = 'true'. valueexpression
DocRef The name of the reference to the document or element to copy. documentReference
NewDocRef The name of the reference under which the new document will be accessible. saveDocumentReference

Valid parameter combinations


Copies a document or element to a document. Set "CopySubEle" to "false", if you do not want the subelements to be copied. Default is "true".


Example 1

The example below copies the document "myDoc" and its subelements to the document "myNewDoc".
<CopyDoc DocRef="$myDoc" NewDocRef="$myNewDoc" CopySubEle="true"/>