Command "CopyEle"


Copies an (XML-)element into another (XML-)element. The command belongs to the group "Document".


Parameter Name Description Type
CopyAttr Indicates whether to copy all attributes ('true' oder 'false') default = 'true'. valueexpression
CopySubEle Indicates whether to copy all subelements ('true' oder 'false') default = 'true'. valueexpression
EleRef The name of the reference to the element to copy. elementReference
NewEleRef The name of the reference under which the new element will be accessible. saveElementReference

Valid parameter combinations


Copys an element, its subelements and attributes referenced by "EleRef" to "NewEleRef". Set "CopyAttr" and/or "CopySubEle" to "false" if you do not want to copy attributes and subelements.


Example 1

The example below copies the element at "sourceNode" to the "destinationNode". The subelements and attributes are excluded.
<CopyEle EleRef="$sourceNode" CopyAttr="false" CopySubEle="false" NewEleRef="$destinationNode"/>