Command "EchoText"


Echoes a text (to log and/or console). The command belongs to the group "Log".


Parameter Name Description Type
DebugText A debug-text. valueexpression
ErrorText A error-text. valueexpression
FatalText A fatal-text. valueexpression
InfoText A info-text. valueexpression
TraceText A trace-text. valueexpression

Valid parameter combinations


Loggs the contents of a valueexpression to the log level of your choice. There are five distinct log levels: TraceText(1), DebugText(2), InfoText(3), ErrorText(4) and FatalText(5).


Example 1

The example below logs the text "Property not set!" to the ERROR log level
<EchoText ErrorText="'Property not set!'">
The text appearing in the log file looks like: [ERROR] Property not set!