Command "RunVelocity"


Starts Velocity. The command belongs to the group "Velocity".


Parameter Name Description Type
MacroFileName Path and filename of the Velocity-macrofile. valueexpression
Mode Defines the mode, how to run the template ([overwrite] = overwrite, [keep] = keep if existing, [keepPS] = keep protected sections). valueexpression
NodeRef The name of the reference to the (XML-)Node to be merged with the template. nodeReference
OutputFileName Path and filename of the generated output. valueexpression
TemplateFileName Path and filename of the Velocity-template. valueexpression

Valid parameter combinations


Starts the velocity template engine, which generates an output file using a velocity template and the input data referenced by "NodeRef".


Example 1

The example below generates the file using the template "myVelocityTemplate.vm" and the input document "inDocument".
<RunVelocity NodeRef="$inDocument" TemplateFileName="myVelocityTemplate.vm" OutputFileName="" />