Command "XslTransform"


Performs a XSL-Transformation on a node. The command belongs to the group "XSLT".


Parameter Name Description Type
InputFileName The path and filename of the file to transform. valueexpression
InputNodeRef The name of the reference to the node to transform. nodeReference
NewDocRef The name of the reference under which the transformed result will be accessible. saveDocumentReference
OutputFileName The path and filename of the file containing the transformed result. valueexpression
StylesheetFileName The path and filename of the stylesheet to be used. valueexpression

Valid parameter combinations


This command performes an XML transformation on the input file or node using the stylesheet specified. The output is written to an output file or node.


Example 1

The example below transforms the input file "changeMe.xml" to the output file "changed.xsl" using the stylesheet "". This transforms the input file into an XSL document.
<XslTransform InputFileName="changeMe.xml" OutputFileName="changed.xsl" StylesheetFileName=""/>